With our expansive network of customers, we’re building an exclusive loyalty program for our clients with a curated list of our preferred trades and local businesses. From cleaners, to painters, to our local coffee shops and restaurants, we want to give our clients the inside scoop on the best in the city while providing you with access to our network of thousands of loyal customers.
We’re hand selecting vendors to join our exclusive loyalty program to help reward our clients while supporting local businesses and our community.
Want more info? Check out the FAQs below or feel free to contact us with any questions or to discuss the Localist Vendor Program in more detail.
Ready to join? Fill out your vendor application for us to learn more about you!
Our Localist program reaches thousands of local condo owners and residents. If you think your target market is aligned with ours, you’ll have access to thousands of new customers for your business. Our customers trust our recommendations and we want them to become as loyal to you as they are to us. If top of the line service and customer care is important to you, you may be a great fit to our exclusive program!
Every one of our clients will be mailed an exclusive Localist Card that can be shown to provide proof that they are part of the Localist program. All of our vendors with physical establishments will also receive a window decal to show they are part of our program to redeem any discounts or promotional perks.
Our clients can view all of our preferred vendors on our website under the “LOCALIST” tab, in addition to our monthly features in our newsletters, magazines, and in our social media channels. We’ll be highlighting all of our vendors on Instagram as well!